Chapter Delegates from throughout the world
Fr. Charles Polifka, in one of his regular "briefs" to the friars in the Province of Mid America, says that the Chapter hopes to conclude soon with a "new" constitution for the Order.
In today's proceedings, General Ministers of the OFM’s, the TOR’s, the Atonement Friar’s, and a representative of Conventual General Minister (the real General Minister of the Conventuals was in the United States) made presentations at the Chapter. Also present were the international minister for the OFS (Secular Franciscans) and the president of the Capuchin Poor Clare Federation in Italy. The General Ministers spoke to us about cooperation among the Franciscan families and how the richness of the Franciscan charism was expressed in the various Orders.

Representative Capuchin Poor Clare (forefront) and leaders of other Franciscan Groups at 84th Chapter in Rome
There are approximately 11, 000 Capuchin Franciscans in over 100 counties. The United States has eight provinces with approximately 680 friars. Together they form the North American-Pacific Capuchin Conference (NAPCC).