Br. Augustine Says Goodbye...

After twelve years of service to the people of Hays and Victoria, KS, Br. Augustine Rohde says his goodbyes at a celebration in Victoria, KS on New Years Eve.

Amid clapping and tears, Brother thanked all of those who had been a help and support to him over the years and promised to drop by now and again for a visit.

Brother will be especially missed by the friars at St. Fidelis Friary in Victoria, where he has been an invaluable support to the fraternal community as well as the aging and infirm friars.

Br. Augustine will soon begin work at his new home in Denver, CO where he will continue to serve as a nurse for the friars in need of care. In addition, he will collaborate with Fr. Gene Emrisek, Pastor of Sacred Heart Church in downtown Denver, on a nursing program to be run out of the parish.

Please keep Brother in your prayers during this time of transition!