Congratulations to Ordinands
Brother Barnabas Eichor, OFM Cap., was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFM Cap., at Sacred Heart Church on Friday evening, June 24. Father Barnabas will celebrate a "First Mass of Thanksgiving" at St. Patrick's Oratory on Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. On July 3, 2011, Father Barnabas will celebrate the joy of his ordination with Holy Ghost Parishioners at the noon mass. Fr. Barnabas did his deacon internship under the supervision of Father Tom Carzon, OMV, at Holy Ghost. After all the celebrations are over Fr. Barnabas will take a two week vacation at St. Conrad's Friary in Lawrence and then take up his assignment as associate pastor at St. Joseph's Parish in Hays, Kansas. (Barnabas is looking forward to fishing at Clinton Lake in Lawrence.)
Today, June 25, Brother Joseph Mary Elder, OFM Cap., ordained a deacon on June 3, 2011, at Annunciation Church, performed his first baptisms. All six of these baptisms were done in Spanish. Congratulations, Brother Joseph Mary!
Congratulations to Father Barnabas and to Deacon Joseph Mary!