The Province of Mid-America was three days old when this photo was taken April 15, 1977, south of the St. Francis Renewal Center in Victoria.
Shown are 1 Jordan Hammel, 2 Alvin Werth,
3 Paschal Rywalski (general minister), 4 Simon Conrad, 5 Gilmary Tallman (provincial councilor), 6 Raphael Engel, 7 Vincent Rohr (provincial minister),
8 Aloysius Ward (general councilor), 9 Blaine Burkey, 10 Frank Grinko, 11 Michael Suchnicki, 12 Benedict Pope, 13 Valerian Brungardt, 14 Owen Schellhase, 15 Rene Bower, 16 Timothy Gottschalk,
17 Martin Geisslreiter (representing Bavaria), 18 Eric Lindbloom, 19 Daniel Conway (provincial councilor), 20 Earl Meyer, 21 Gene Emrisek, 22 Leo Leiker, 23 Gregory Beyer, 24 Ron Cunningham, 25 Harvey Dinkel, 26 Regis Scanlon, 27 Michael Scully, 28 Dan Schartz, 29 Christopher Popravak, 30 Charles Polifka, 31 Mark Mason, 32 Thaddeus Posey, 33 Duane Reinert, 34 Paulinus Karlin, 35 Fidelis McManus, 36 Chuck Wolfe, 37 Bennett Colucci, 38 Leonard Schreiner, 39 Richard Smith, 40 David Gottschalk, 41 Flavian Meis, 42 Callistus Rectenwald, 43 Finian Meis, 44 James Moster, 45 Felix Petrovsky, 46 Brendan Tighe,
47 Timon Kaple (Papua New Guinea superior regular), 48 Robert Meis, 49 Cyrus Gallagher, 50 John Cousins, 51 Julian Haas, 52 Neal Mahaffey, 53 Didacus Joseph Dunn, 54 Thomas More Janeck (provincial councilor), 55 Joseph Schreck (Puerto Rican missionary), 56 Camillus Schmitt, 57 Canice Froehlich, 58 Lloyd Schmeidler,
59 John Hovanec (English vice secretary general), 60 Earl Befort, 61 Bill Kraus, 62 Benignus Scarry, 63 Clement Naef, 64 Mark Linenberger,
65 Benno Strobach (representing Bavaria). Missing on the photo are the 11 missionaries then in Papua New Guinea (Donald Debes, Christian Fey, Myron Flax, Maris Goetz, Matthew Gross, Dunstan Jones, Malachy McBride, Peter Meis, Stephen Reichert, Firmin Schmidt & Berard Tomassetti), the two other Puerto Rican missionaries (Solano Lamson & Arthur Limbacher, and 13 other friars (Richard Bollig, Charles Chaput (provincial vicar), Simeon Gallagher, Ed Judy, John Lager, Louis Leon, Joseph McGlynn, Aquinas Patch, Eugene Pellegrino, Felix Shinsky, Dominic Unger, Harold Vogler & Valentine Young).
[Photo from Newsletter of Province of St. Augustine, May 1977].