Four Faculty Friars Somewhat Stole the Show
A most unique appearance in Thomas More Prep-Marian's 1988 presentation of Meredith Wilson's "Music Man" was by four Capuchin friars on the faculty who played the school board and thrilled everyone with their barbershop quartet rendition of "Good Night, Ladies" and "Lida Rose." Left to right, the late Fr. Timothy Gottschalk, later general definitor Br. Mark Schenk, present 40-year jubilarian Fr. Earl Befort, and current provincial definitor Fr. Frank Grinko. Other members of the troupe remember how bad the group sounded at every practice — until at the last minute they pulled it all together at the dress rehearsal. In the background is senior John Balman, now an Army doctor at Ft. Hood, who as Pro. Harold Hill brought River City, Iowa, to new life.