The Capuchin Poor Clare Federation of Our Lady of Angels recently appointed Sr. Teresa Angeles, O.S.C.Cap. as the point person to update and maintain their Federation website (www.capuchinpoorclares.org). Sr. Teresa has made great progress in working with Br. Joseph and in learning the various software programs necessary to update their site. A quick perusal of their blog reveals that the updates have been timely and informative. Most of the posts have been related to various events and celebrations throughout the Federation and many have included quality photographs. If you have not visited lately, make sure you take some time to visit their website (available in both Spanish and English) as well as the news blog which can be accessed from the header of any page.
In addition to the regular updates, the sisters have also launched a new blog to celebrate the 800 anniversary of the charism of St. Clare, 1212-2012. The blog will be receiving regular updates from Sr. Maria de Cristo, O.S.C.Cap. president of the Federation and spiritual director, Fr. Bill Kraus, O.F.M.Cap. This blog is also accessible from the header of the website.