John and Susan Sheridan, shown here with Bro. John Lager, and Tom and Meg Deline threw a dinner party Oct. 23 for about 125 major donors and benefactors of Samaritan House, which was dedicated 20 years earlier on Nov. 20, 1986. The history of the center serving Denver's homeless individuals and families was highlighted in a special video featuring interviews of, among others, Brothers Charles Chaput, William Kraus and John Lager. A 58-page full-color booklet written by Dr. Claire Lanier and Bro. Michael Suchnicki also made its debut at the dinner. Entitled
Samaritan House: a Good Neighbor in Metro Denver, the book includes a chapter on Capuchin identity as well as one on Capuchin involvement at SH and its forerunner, Samaritan Shelter, which began in 1982. Copies of the very attractive book are available for $20 at SH, 2301 Lawrence St., Denver CO 80205. Archbishop Chaput, while still our provincial minister, sent Brothers Bill Kraus and Didacus Dunn to carry on work begun by Monsignors Charles Woodrich and James Rasby. They were later succeeded by Brothers Bennett Colucci, Ed Judy, Mike Suchnicki and John Lager. Besides giving shelter every night to 300 men, women and children, SH provides case management, employment and counseling services, and a variety of other services to help the homeless transition back to self-sufficiency. See also