Samaritan House, Others Open Veterans Home

Capuchin Archbishop Charles Chaput blessed the building and several future residents cut the ribbon for the Mar. 19 dedication of a home for veterans created in a former convent at St. Joseph Polish Church in northern Denver. A joint project of the Samaritan House, Denver Catholic Charities, St. Joseph Church, the Veterans Administration, the city of Denver, and others, the home will house 15 men who will run the the home themselves, operating as much as possible like a family. Capuchins Fr. Mike Suchnicki, SH chaplain, and Br. Larry Bowers, a SH volunteer, and more than 50 other people attended the dedication. In the second photo above, SH executive director Fr. John Lager and fellow Capuchin Fr. Blaine Burkey visit with Colorado First Lady Jeannie Ritter at a reception in the home's dining room. Photos by James Baca, Denver Catholic Register.