24118_350835037887_780652887_3541444_6758413_nBr. Joseph Mary Elder and Br. Christopher Gama were installed as lectors on March 7. The ceremony, which took place within the context of the 8:00 a.m. Mass at Annunciaton Catholic Church, marks the first step toward priestly ordination for both men. During the celebration, Provincial Fr. Charles Polifka reminded the brothers of the duties to proclaim the Gospel to every person at all times, to care for the sick, and to instruct young people in the truths of the faith. Many of the friars were on hand and took part in the celebration as well as a nice constituent of parishioners from Annuncation, where both brothers serve as catechists for the parish youth. The next step for both brothers will be acolyte installation which will take place sometime in the near future. After Mass the postulants graciously cooked the brothers breakfast. For images of the celebration, visit the photo section of our Facebook Group.