Who Are We? A New Capuchin Video
A new video is now available for viewing on the Capuchins of Mid-America website. The video, "Who Are We?" is a glimpse into the life and spirituality of the Capuchin friars through photos, music, and excerpts from the Rule of St. Francis.

The video is part of a new section of the Province website, itself entitled, "Who Are We - Capuchin Spirituality." The hope is that this video and the other elements on the page will serve as valuable information for someone seeking to learn more about the friars.

The video is seven+ minutes in length and is available for immediate viewing at our Who Are We? section. The video can be played as an embedded file from our website by clicking on the "play" button in the middle of the screen (you may need to double-click). The file however, is not stored locally, but is on the server of a video-sharing company called YouTube. We wish to make it known that the Capuchin Province of Mid-America do not necessarily condone, endorse, or recommend any of the other content available from such websites (Youtube, Godtube, etc). We recommend strong caution in visiting such sites as they may have objectionable material.

View the "Who Are We?" video now